Preparing for an interview with a candidate - for managers
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    How Managers Can Prepare for Interviews With Candidates

    How Managers Can Prepare for Interviews With Candidates

    If a manager who conducts interviews with selected candidates is not aware of how it is effective to do it, then the company may lose good candidates as a result. This is particularly important in the current labor market, as there are many more vacancies than people who will fill those vacancies and because of this, candidates have many choices.

    • Don't overprepare - there must be a job description first and then you should prepare some job-related questions. If you are over-prepared and focus only on the questions you have written down, you may not listen to the candidate. Prepare some questions and then it will form into a two-way conversation.

    • Don't write off a candidate too quickly - some managers may decide within the first 15 seconds that the candidate is not suitable, but this may be a mistake. Some people take some time to open up and the interview may be stressful for them at first. Don't end the interview quickly, just give each candidate who has made it to the interview a chance. Otherwise, you may lose very suitable employees.

    • Increase the number of candidates - Don't decide just based on that - if the candidate has exactly the education you expect or exactly the work experience you think is needed. We recommend looking at the bigger picture - whether the candidate is open-minded and ready to learn, whether he/she is good at teamwork, whether he/she is highly motivated to work in the field - these values ​​can be even more important if you want to find a motivated employee.

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